Early Maturity Hybrid Grain Sorghum
KS310 is well-suited where an early maturity is needed for shorter growing areas. Also very good for double crop after wheat, late planting, and replant. KS310 has excellent emergence and plant health with good standability, very good drought tolerance through the vegetative and grain fill stages helps this hybrid provide more consistent performance. There is no delay in maturity at higher elevations and with cooler temperatures. KS310 has above average head exsertion and good threshability allows easy harvest. KS310 is very susceptible to Methyl Parathion and growth regulating herbicides.
Key Attributes
- Excellent yielding early sorghum
- Excellent emergence
- Good choice for shorter growing seasons
- Good for double-crop and late planting
- Good drought tolerance for consistence performance
- Very susceptible to methyl parathion and growth regulating herbicides