Medium-Early Maturity Hybrid Grain Sorghum
K35-Y5 is a very short medium-early cream colored grain sorghum that is slightly later in maturity than KS310. As you move up in elevation, days to half-bloom are stable. K35-Y5 has better than average emergence in cool soils for a cream colored grain sorghum. After black layer (P.M.) K35-Y5 has quicker dry down to harvest moisture than most early hybrids. Monitor seeding rate closely. K35-Y5 tillers easily, keep seeding rate low in dry conditions. K35-Y5 has extremely good drought tolerance and does not delay heading under these conditions.
Key Attributes
- Excellent yield for maturity
- Uniform, short plant
- Consistent maturity
- Cream-colored grain
- Biotype “E” greenbug resistance
- Very good for double-crop and late plantings