
Variety SW107 exhibits increased concentrations of Reb-A sweetener, higher leaf mass production and an improved taste profile that has little or no aftertaste. SW107 has been bred to address commercial processing markets in North America, South America, and other regions of the world that have climates suitable for it.

The Company believes SW107 is well qualified to be successful in the commercial market. SW107 has a number of differentiating factors, including enhanced leaf yield, Reb-A output, and taste profile, as well as plant vigor that includes superior overwintering and later flowering attributes compared with the majority of the plant population from which the line was derived.

In field trials throughout the western United States, SW107 yielded approximately 40% more leaf, 60% more Reb-A content, and more than a 100% increase in the Reb-A to stevioside ratio, as compared to test samples from stevia varieties now in mainstream production. S&W believes these results, coupled with an improved aftertaste profile, mean that SW107 will be economically attractive to stevia farmers and to the commercial volume stevia processing community.

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